Sunday, March 11, 2007

Where have I BEEN??

It's been a while since I sat down to write something up. It's not for lack of things going on but rather on a lack of "je ne sais pas quoi." Basically things have been rather hectic around the old homestead and other places.

So quickly here's an update of what been going on in the past month:
  • A four week wait was cut down to 9 days thanks for some help from some friends.
  • A rather hasty trip to Canada was scheduled.
  • A Brussels-New York flight was the ideal place for me to watch the Queen and to discuss it in great detail with the sketchy guy.
  • A two hour stop-over at JFK became a six hour stopover complete with people screaming, flights being canceled, a woman in front of me giving herself a pedicure and another talking on the phone saying "Oh honey, I can't wait to have you all over me..." A rather interesting time was had by all.
  • The Montreal-New York puddle jumper including two New York jews talking about hitting up the old Montreal hotspot, Super Sexe.
  • A visit to Montreal which included freezing, eating and getting myself all "papered" up.
  • A visit to Alexandria, Ontario and its local ice-fishing competition with the immortal Mark Parsons and wife. Nothing says fun like a random small town and its diners.
  • A return to Brussels with 35 kilos worth of junk more than when I left. Thank goodness I only brought one pair of long-johns and 6 underwear for my trip or else I was in trouble.
  • Lastly this time has been spent starting a new and exciting career here in Brussels.
So basically here's the jonathanism for today: when the author is away, things are usually in play.

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