Monday, December 11, 2006

One TAFW Cypriot!

A few weeks back the Slovak and I were having dinner with our dear dear friend, the Cypriot, when the discussion turned to ideas for this blog.

Would it be a joint blog between me and the Slovak? Would we try to write things that are happening in our life day-to-day? And then it happened! The Cypriot smilingly asked whether I was going to write about the "jonathanisms"? And that is where it all started!

So here I am writing a jonathanism or two and making the world a better place while dispensing important advice to those of you with the patience to read me out.

Now why would I start talking about the Cypriot?

The reason is to laud upon her a muse like status, almost like Clio, Urania or Melpomene. Our Cypriot has the gentle touch of a perfect muse, always trying to help you reach your higher point and never forcing her opinion on you. She is always there to provide a hand when one is needed. To put it simply, she is a BMW in a world full of Ladas.

Now friends, I feel it is my duty, nay, my responsibility, to write about this Cypriot because she is truly TAFW! And let me tell you, TAFW people are few and far between.

So here's the jonathanism for today (directed specially towards single gentlemen): Seek out our Cypriot for she is Too Awesome For Words.

Please send your cover letter with a picture to me at and you will be informed about the date and the place of the casting call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are there any cypriots in existence in North America or are TAFW people only seen in the eastern hemisphere.

Looking for a Cypriot